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How To Write LOADS Of Killer Bullets In Your Sales Copy!

Today I want to plow through some more of the "5 Ways ToGive Your Prospects A Much-Needed Break!" Yesterday, we talked about using sub-headlines throughout your sales copy, and how to leverage them to boost your sales -- taking advantage of both the "aesthetic" component of them -- and the "psychological" component of sub-headlines as well....
- the WritersSoftware team

How To Write LOADS Of Killer Bullets In Your Sales Copy!

Today I want to plow through some more of the "5 Ways ToGive Your Prospects A Much-Needed Break!" Yesterday, we talked about using sub-headlines throughout your sales copy, and how to leverage them to boost your sales -- taking advantage of both the "aesthetic" component of them -- and the "psychological" component of sub-headlines as well.

Let's take a look at some more techniques you can use:

2. Use Bullets!

Listen, bullets do a LOT for your sales copy.

First of all, they give your prospects some more "eye relief", by breaking up long-form text into shorter, and more easily digestible "bites".

Second, they're also catching those "skimmers" -- readers who are just "skimming" through your sales pitch, trying to dig around for all the important information they want.

And lastly, they give you a great opportunity to sort of "summarize" certain aspects of your sales copy, in a "bottom line", point-by-point list.

Your prospects tend to give more credibility and pay a lot more attention to your bullets, so don't waste your words there.

Be punchy... be direct... and make sure you're showing a ton of benefits ("reasons to buy") in them.

What are reasons to buy? Well, in your bullets, be emotional, but that's a perfect time to back up each emotionally compelling issue, with a slew of factual data, like this:

Discover the unusual reason why every woman will be "instantly" turned on sexually, after using these 3 greeting techniques. (And find out why

73.7% of ALL women, actually preferred this!) See what I'm saying here?

3. Alternate your bullets, making one bold... and the other not bold.

Or, alternatively, make your first sentence in each bullet bold, and keep your second sentence "normal".

This gives your prospects even more eye relief, allowing you to emphasize certain aspects of your text, in each bullet.

If you want to see an example of what I'm talking about, just look at this tip, online: Tomorrow we'll wrap this up and move on to something else.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Check out all the prior archives you've been missing, right here at: P.P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from this tip, then do the right thing and forward this tip on to them, right NOW!

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About the Author: 

Craig Garber is America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter. Uncover hundreds of FREE controversial direct-response copywriting and marketing tips that dramatically boost your sales and your response rates, right here:

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