Writing Resources

We have collected writing resources such as articles and information products from the Internet and members' contributions.  The resources are arranged in the following categories of writing:
Writing Books Writing eBooks Writing Articles
Marketing Your Writings Copywriting Writing Tips
Writing Screenplays Your Writings

Selected Articles & Stories....

Writer's Voice: Five Places to Find Meaning - Melissa A Rosati  Have you seen my voice?  Odd question, I know.  Voice is associated with sound not sight.  Still, I’ve been looking for it everywhere:  writer’s retreats, a bedroom converted into a chic writing studio, the refrigerator, which is filled with brainpower snacks, specifically chocolate-mocha Haagen-Dazs (They say it cures writer’s block.
Seven Ways to Select a Book Topic That Sells - Judy Cullins  Since a book title is the number one "Essential Hot-Selling Point" for your book, it's a good idea to choose one that sells well.  1.  Write what you are passionate about.  Write about a topic that will still interest you in two years.
How to Find a Publisher for Your First Book - Gary R. Hess  Finding a publisher can be very strenuous.  In fact, it may even be harder than actually writing the book itself.  There are three things to remember when finding a publisher for your book:
Writing A Book - Tips From An Author #2 - www.GetPlotted.com  Writing a three act story - dealing with the middle act.  In the second or middle act, you get to expand the story past the initial 'inciting incident', and develop the characters and their various drives and needs.
Turn Writer's Blocks Into Stepping Stones! - Steven Barnes  Years ago at a presentation at the UCLA Extension Writer’s Program, I promised an audience to teach them to conquer this beast once and for all.  Later, another instructor approached me and said “why did you say that to those people?
Writing Help for College Students - Tamara Owen  Your literature professor has asked you to write a 7-page essay comparing Medieval and Renaissance poetry; your economics professor wants 15 pages on how globalization is affecting the economy in three different countries; and your mathematics professor has forgotten this is a mathematics class, and wants 5 pages on the quadratic formula.
Tips To Help You To Write With Success - Dana Goldberg  Writing is something that everyone can enjoy!  Writing is freeing and fun and exciting, if you really let your imagination go writing can take you to places that you have never been before.
Writing A Book - Tips From An Author #6 - www.GetPlotted.com  The Basics of Plot.  Although you will obviously be familiar with the concept of 'plot', most people don't actually think in a plot-like fashion.  As you write a book, the logical, compelling step-by-step sequence that makes up a good plot almost always starts life as a single good idea plus a jumble of images and thoughts without any coherent structure.
How to Jumpstart your Next Writing Session - David Parton  I have always enjoyed writing.  Sometimes it’s a problem for me to just sit down and write something.  There are days when I choose “procrastinating” over “proactive.
How to Write an Ebook - Zaak OConan  The hardest part of writing is the first sentence.  When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task.  That's why you have to break it down into manageable tasks.  Think of climbing a mountain.
Review: Michael Masterson's Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting - Karon Thackston  I have to tell you, I was very skeptical in the beginning.  Nervous even.  I had one finger on the "buy now" button, and one finger poised, ready to request a refund.  I guess, when I bought Michael Masterson's course, I was anxious that this would be one of those screaming, ranting, raving sales letter courses that tells you that you HAVE to write all copy the same way with a tone that sounds like a used car salesman on steroids.
Screenwriting Tips from a Screenplay Contest Judge - Gordy Hoffman  After cracking hundreds of screenplays sent into the BlueCat Screenplay Competition, the same problems in the execution of the story and script continue to emerge.  Here is a general overview of these persistent issues.
How You Can Take Advantage of the Increasing Demand for Freelance Online Writers - Niall Cinneide  The freelance writing market is a growing market to be in.  There are many jobs available, but sometimes, it can be hard to find the work that you want, and available at the time you want it to be.
How to Succeed as a Writer - Michele Pariza Wacek  As a professional copywriter, I'm often asked by aspiring copywriters what they need to do to succeed.  Most of their questions center around writing ability.  They want to know how to find out if they have the talent to succeed, or if there's a "test" they can take that will tell them if they're a good enough writer to actually get paid to write.
Writing Nonfiction - Roy E. Klienwachter  All of us are authors, and all of us have a book already written within us that needs to come out.  I believe that fiction is the easiest to write because none of what you write can, or needs to be verified and you are only limited by your imagination.

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