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How to be a Good Spokesman

A battle is won when a leader is successful....
If to break a word “spokesman” apart, we get “spokes” which is, without doubt related to the verb “to speak” and “man” that identifies a person who speaks....
- the WritersSoftware team

How to be a Good Spokesman

A battle is won when a leader is successful. We can find a large number of examples in World history. Today we can also see that the statement is quite true. There will never be a result if the lead is taken by a weak personality who doesn’t know the meaning of the word “leadership”. Nowadays people elect their leaders considering their qualities and thinking about the result of their choice. People usually prefer a strong-willed, intelligent, active, ambitious person to be their leader and perform different duties. There is no other way to show these traits but to express them orally or on the paper to be forwarded to voters. Once being elected you must know how to express the point of view of others and to represent their interests properly. To do the above-mentioned you have to be a nice orator and easily hold the attention of a crowd. To be a good leader you are to be politically literate. There is nothing in this life that could do without politics and this is a well-known fact. Becoming a part of the governmental system you are to represent the ideas of those who had voted for you. To be successful in this field you are to be rather persuasive and very industrious in proving your idea.

If to break a word “spokesman” apart, we get “spokes” which is, without doubt related to the verb “to speak” and “man” that identifies a person who speaks. The definition is – a man who expresses an opinion. One has to be really talented, even gifted to achieve a proper result by expressing his point of view and trying to persuade others that your statements are true. The task of a spokesman is not only to speak out in public, but to prepare the basic information on what you consider to be right and to distribute it among the voters for them to get a general idea. This is where you’ll need the skills to write a persuasive essay. The main tasks of the essay you write is to persuade voters that your idea, opinion or any other statement that you venture to express is worth voting for and sticking to. For doing this you need to structure it right and know some of the ways to highlight the main idea. You make up a couple of statements that show the main idea and build an essay around, using as many facts to support as it is only possible. The more persuasive essays ( you write, the more experienced you become in convincing others. There have to be no contradictions to your own words and certainly no lies. It is pretty easy to check if the fact that you use is true. And if it’s not, it is not going to give you a bonus in your voters’ eyes.

It is also necessary to avoid strong verbs, though it is possible if you use the so called “shock therapy”, so popular among some leaders to catch a person unawares and make him think your way. Though it is considered to be wrong to make somebody change one’s lifestyle, playing with his/her thoughts and ways of thinking, spokesmen usually use this technique to be sure of the effect of their creation. It is so easy to play around with basic needs of people and the way they can be satisfied. It also can be used in your persuasive essay. After considering some of the facts, we can see that to be a leader and a spokesman one has to possess a lot of skills. And one more important thing, except unique talent in writing and being an orator

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About the Author: 

Tyler Benson is a senior writer of - Custom Term Paper writing service. He has 17 years of experience as the professor at several universities. Tyler Benson has been providing competent assistance to students in writing proper persuasive essays at during all his remarkable teaching experience. His example of a proper persuasive essay can be found in several guides on how to write.

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