Tools and Resources for Writing

help for writers writing Software, articles, and other help for writers  If you are looking for software to help with your writing projects, look at our writing tools.  If you like to read about writing, see the articles and ebooks in Writing Books, Writing eBooks, Writing Articles, Marketing Your Writings, Copywriting, Writing Tips, Writing Screenplays, and Your Writings - Stories, Essays, Poetry.

Book Writer™ – Word Processing for Writers

Are you writing a book?   Are you a student?   Are you researching?
If you are writing a book, or you have chapters, notes, papers, or any writings spread across multiple files, you can use Book Writer™ to free your creative mind from your computer.

Version 5.50:  Now you can keep records on People, Places, Events, and Notes with your writings!

help for writers writing
  • Combine related files into a project for easy management.
  • Merge individual chapters into a single manuscript for submissions.
  • Open all files in a project with a single click.
  • Move from file to file by clicking notebook tabs.
  • Find any word or phrase in all project files, opened or not.
  • Copy or move all files at once.
  • Zip all files in a project for backup or emailing.
  • Think of the right word easily with Active Thesaurus™.
  • Eliminate needless business functions from your word editor.

If you are a writer—not a business person or secretary—try this word processor made for writers!

More Information
$89.95 On sale! $67.00

(Orders are processed on the parent company's secure site.)

Selected Articles and Stories

Become a Self-Published Web Content Writer
Web content writing is one of the fastest-growing areas in the writing industry.  It helps potential writers from living the "starving artist" life, but it requires a huge commitment of time and a willingness to put aside one’s creativity for the sake of the client's wishes.
The Da Vinci Code, The Best Selling Novel
One of the best selling novels since hundreds of years is Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code which has intrigued and thrilled millions of readers around the world.  One of the best selling novels since hundreds of years is Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code which has intrigued and thrilled millions of readers around the world.
The War Of High Quality Writing Instruments – The Fountain Pen
High quality writing instruments have been around for centuries and continue to exist; from the first pencils in 1584, to the quill pen, to the reign of the fountain pen from 1925 to 1940.  These high quality and highly functional writing instruments were being made around the world in beautiful styles and with an elegance and class not previously seen in a writing instrument.
Writing For The Web
Writing is a specialized skill.  Although almost anyone can string together sentences, it takes a certain level of training and experience to be able to make those strung--together sentences readable and interesting.
Defeating Writer's Block
If you're a writer, or a student, or anyone who's ever felt the desire or need to write, you know all about the dreaded thing known as writer's block.  You sit at the computer, or your're at your desk with a pad and pen, ready to write.
Subtle Writing Techniques of the Mystery Writer
Here is the first of five articles taken from my lecture series, "Subtle Writing Techniques Used in Creating a Successful Mystery Novel.  " This series is designed to explain the working methods of the mystery/suspense writer, offering insight and understanding into the technical process of writing.
Ovecoming Writer's Block
What is writer's block?  Well, I just can't think of a single darn thing to say.  Oh well, I'm outta here!  Sound familiar?  No!  Oh, get real!  We've all experienced this phenomenon when we absolutely have to write something, particularly on deadline.
How Can You Find Freelance Work As A Writer?
For those looking at the jobs listings for writers, they may find themselves feeling left out.  There are simply not enough employment options available.  When you are looking at the jobs listings, you may become frustrated and annoyed with the lack of the type of employment that you want.

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